QAETT / Warm reminders (FBMA, 2023, digital)
This is an album I wanted to record for a long time and it eventually turned out to be something I was very content working on for a while, as it grew bigger and bigger. Originally my plan was to write and record about 15 tracks and release this album earlier, but the music kept flowing and the album kept growing until I had 29 tracks that for me worked as a whole. So, contrary to convention in times of streaming, I released this as a 29 track album, containing 6 tracks I had already released over the last couple of months prior to the album release.
The album takes a slightly different direction than my other recent albums. A bit hard to describe (as 'Writing about music is like dancing about architecture'), but I will give it a shot: it's beatless ambient, uses organic instruments, tape looping techniques, vintage synths, field recordings and granular effects as a basis, but with a distinct noisy, textured, lofi, washed out, VHS feel.
Some tracks are soundscapes, some more melodic, all of them melancholy. All songs try to capture specific moments in time and deal with the relentless passing of the days, months and years as we all get older and our memories accumulate. It is some of the warmest music I have ever made, and the songs feel very personal to me. So please sit back and let this album wash over you. I really hope you enjoy it.
Release date: 24 november 2023